The hotel, which is green, in which like at home...

Greenwich meridian - longitude reference point on our planet.
We have added the letter "h" and turned the starting point of all green and ecologically pure in the Earth, which is "GREEN Which HOTEL".

We are proud to be eco-friendly materials was used in the construction of the hotel. Unique furniture and decorative elements have been specially designed for our hotel complex.

GreenWhich HOTEL 16000 - 48000 KZT Green Which Hotel KOKSHETAU Современный гостиничный эко-комплекс Green Which Hotel г.Кокшетау, Казахстан - Отель, Ресторан, Караоке **** +7 (7162) 520 500 ул. Ауельбекова, 115 Б Кокшетау Казахстан 020000